For the past year and a half I have been writing about what has got me more well from CFS/ME so that I can work and play again. It has been an interesting journey of reading and research.
You can purchase my book as a PDF download using the link above.
“Clearly there is a great deal of uncertainty as to the causes and cures of an illness, which according to Action for ME and the NHS effects around 250,000 people in the UK alone. Due to this uncertainty and lack of information, CFS/ ME is often dismissed out of hand and sufferers like myself are sentenced to a miserable existence with little help from the medical profession.”
I am desperate to get the information out there into the public domain because I think what I have discovered is very useful information for everyone and not just for those with a ‘condition’ and not just for those with CFS/ME or what I feel it should be called L.O.S.E. (lack of sustainable energy).