Chocolate boosts medicines’ effectiveness
. . . and this is a good thing? Never mind the medicine, I’ll just take the chocolate thank you. Read it here: Chocolate boosts medicines’ effectiveness by Andrew Jack
. . . and this is a good thing? Never mind the medicine, I’ll just take the chocolate thank you. Read it here: Chocolate boosts medicines’ effectiveness by Andrew Jack
I want to get something banned. A so called Healthy antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal ‘medicine’. It is called Citricidal or GrapeFRUIT seed extract, which is gunge from the pips of grapefruits. Not to be confused with Grape Seed extract which is Oil from the seeds of grapes. We are talking about a grapefruit. Or are […]
Natural News launches a new website, Naturalpedia. It is so good, naturally. Covers the full spectrum of anything to do with health and not to be missed. Click here: Naturalpedia I think I shall be definitely dipping into this newest internetpedia!
We all know that herbs help. We have all had a cup of camomile tea to sooth, herbs were our first medicine and herbalists our first doctor. We love the herbs we put on our food. The government want to regulate the use of herbs and Herbalists. While this sounds perhaps sensible what is the […]