organic grapefruit seed extract

5 reasons why Organic Grapefruit Seed Extract does not kill germs

1. Organic Grapefruit Seed Extract. A gel like substance is removed from the seeds and becomes the grapefruit seed extract. At this stage the substance is pure gel with no anti-microbial actions. However this gel does have antioxidant actions. 2. Antioxidant. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, and grapefruits are no exception. Their pulp and seeds are […]


This kills?

I thought water was healthy – this can kill? 11th September 2016 A word from Konstantin Monastyrsky: Hi Marianne, “If there is one health myth that will not die, it is this: You should drink eight glasses of water a day. It’s just not true. There is no science behind it.” So starts the The […]