Water is essential for life?
Water’s function in the body is to carry dissolved substances (solutes) to the cells and to take toxins to the kidneys for excretion. This is what sustains life.
Transport mechanism
What perhaps is not fully appreciated is that water is a transport mechanism. The significant aspect of water is twofold, the transport mechanism and what it transports.
The transport mechanism is pure water or H2O which is the chemical symbol for water meaning only hydrogen (2 parts) and oxygen (one part) which is water without its solutes. The anomaly with this water is that if it is consumed it is unable to support life and consequently could cause death.
What it transports
However H2O’s incredible physical and chemical attributes means it attracts solutes, dissolves solutes and distributes solutes wherever it runs, in the sea, rivers and lakes. In the body it distributes the nutrients to their rightful places, removes toxins and aids lubrication.
Solutes are dissolved particles that should naturally be found in all water because water attracts and dissolves solutes into it whenever it passes over the sea-bed, rocks and soil. Sea-water is H2O plus solutes and according to Rene Quinton, it is the sea water that sustains life and which he then used to cure disease.
The solutes in water should be Sodium (Na), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Potassium (K), Chloride (Cl), bicarbonate (HCO3) plus many other trace elements and also amino acids (proteins) these are what sustains life.
I liken H2O to a train. H2O is a carrier in a similar manner to a train, which purpose is to carry passengers or in the case of H2O – solutes – dissolved particles. The train and H2O help disperse the load of passengers or solutes evenly; but H2O, unlike a train, which simply disgorges passengers onto a platform, also takes the varying types of solutes to the relevant cells and removes toxins and takes those toxins to the kidneys. H2O is a highly sophisticated and competent mechanism but without the solutes could almost be rendered a useless piece of sophisticated kit.
Water for health
For water to maintain the health of the body, it must contain the solutes, the things that sustain life. H2O, Pure or distilled water can cause death because that water does not contain any of the solutes that the body must have. H2O, Pure or distilled water when consumed can take the vital minerals the body needs away from the cells and excrete them via the kidneys, thereby causing the body to lose the essential elements.
Even if drinking good quality water, too much can flush out essential nutrients. We do not need to drink huge amounts of water, unless in very hot countries or if undertaking tasks where we sweat a lot, or we are ill; even then the water must contain good amounts of sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium and chloride and amino acids or the very water you hope is helping will flush out essential nutrients.
The importance of the sea
The sea contains the minerals and trace elements that the body needs but is too concentrated and these days too contaminated to be healthy, but we can use sea-salt to help remedy this. Rene Quinton in the 18th century used diluted sea water to cure many diseases that would otherwise have caused death. He proposed that the plasma in our own bodies used to be similar to sea water before it became too concentrated.
I believe that if our drinking water was at its optimum best we would overcome many illnesses:
“The germ is nothing, terrain is everything.”
Claude Bernard (1817-1920)
Water can be a killer
H2O or pure water is a killer. Natural water with its correct balance of nutrients sustains life. Too much water is harmful to health.