Mind/Body therapies and M.E. Discussion Kentish Town March 10th

Mind/Body therapies and M.E.

North London M.E. Network is holding a facilitated discussion on recovery from M.E. using techniques and therapies such as Amygdala Retraining, the Lightning Process and Reverse Therapy.

The event will be initiated by a panel consisting of people who have used these and other similar techniques as an aid to recovery.

The discussion will examine the benefits and pitfalls of these techniques and attempt to explore whether there are any common themes that have helped people to recover from M.E.

March 10th 2008 at 1 pm – 2.45 pm. Free.

Training Room, Voluntary Action Camden,
293 – 299 Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2TJ

Transport:Kentish Town Tube, Buses 134, 214, C2

For more details call Stephen on 0208 341 2378 or 07962 175775

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