A new book about how to remain healthy and cure yourself of disease – The Heart of Health
However, I can give one good sound principle:
Eat only fresh food.
Some would say Eat only Raw Fresh vegetables and fruit food.
But you will go along way to being less fat, less ill and have more energy if you eat only fresh food you prepare yourself, as nature intended.
Fresh food believe it or not is NOT the cut up chunks of fruit for a healthy snack – no that type is far from healthy as are many seemingly natural looking frozen fruits and veg.
Sulphites are used to stop the freshly cut fruit of hours since from going brown.
Sulphites are nasty, and are used in a multitude of foods. Even that wonderful fish oil from Krill I was shouting about some months past is covered with sulphite as soon as the krill is fished from the sea and frozen on board ship. (Article about What is in your Fish Oil supplement coming soon.)
Margarines and refined vegetable or seed oils are evil and poisonous even Maggie Thatcher told her children never to touch margarine as did one of the Van den Burghs responsible for producing the first batch of poison. See the Daily Mail article about this.
Nature Intended Foods are:
Bake your own BREAD from organic wholegrain flour, Extra Virgin or Virgin olive oil, new zealand butter, organic WHOLE milk and fresh yeast.
Buy your MEAT from a good Butcher where he names the farmers and their farms.
Buy your EGGS free range or organic and if you want to go the extra mile a local breeder and ask him what he feeds his hens.
Only ever consume ORGANIC WHOLE milk. (skimmed milk, semi-skimmed is unnatural) the GOOD fat in milk contains Omega 3.
Spring water from a local trusted area (like running of organic fields?)
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables from your local Organic Trader.
Fat does not make you fat, refined carbohydrates do. Unnatural fats make you very ill.
It means of-course that there is a lot of preparing of foods and clearing up, but that is the social family fun activity of living and we should all be helping with the preparation of something that not only keeps us alive, but keeps us communicating with each other by way of a good, honest, clean, family essential social activity.