inflammation of the brain

Inflammation of the brain and depression


Research demonstrates that inflammation of the brain is the cause of depression and that SSRI medication does nothing to restore this situation and possibly causes the mental health of the patient to be worse as they interfere with the immune system. They now say it is the immune system to blame for inflammation of the brain.

I have mentioned in my book A Happier Healthier Lifestyle that I cured my CFS/ME symptoms by a change in diet and lifestyle. One aspect was completely avoiding the foods that caused inflammation of my brain and body because food intolerance and allergies cause inflammation in the whole body as well as the brain.

Foods that cause mental health issues

A medical practitioner has taken up the cause. Inflammation of the brain from food intolerance namely gluten, casein and yeasts can cause mental health issues from depression including bipolar to schizophrenia.

This is probably why if food intolerance is not considered that Counselling, Psychology or any form of psychiatry doesn’t always help the sufferer.

What can reduce the effects of inflammation

Advice for things you can do if you are suffering with the symptoms of food intolerance: Dr David Williams


What causes depression?

Two foods that may sabotage the brain

Food allergies – Natural treatments

A happier healthier lifestyle

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