10 Facts To Cure CFS/M.E

1. What does M.E mean? M.E. stands for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Encephalomyelitis means inflammation of the brain. Myalgic means muscle pain. There is no scientific evidence that shows that there is inflammation of the brain and so the NHS and GPs refer to this condition as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The diagnosis gives the sufferer no information […]


Nutrients for Narcolepsy

The Symptoms of Narcolepsy Narcolepsy was brought sharply to my attention, when a friend of mine kept falling asleep during the day. The main symptom of narcolepsy is exactly that: excessive daytime sleepiness commonly referred to as EDS. This type of sleepiness causes an individual to fall asleep without warning, which can be during a conversation, […]

Colloidal Silver

Essential Colloidal Silver

Essential Colloidal Silver Incongruous man appears to prefer the monumental usage of synthetic medicines of paracetamols, anti-inflammatory and antibiotics despite the long term damage they can do to the body, over natural medicine.   Natural or alternative medicine can be the use of herbs, exercise, massage, mineral salts and pure water to kill microbes, remove toxins […]