I will admit, there are times when I go into feel-sorry-for-myself mode when it comes to eating when it appears there is nothing in the house I can eat.
Members of my family, can open the fridge and make a cheese sandwich, or take a pizza out of the freezer if they need a quick lunch or open a cereal packet for a quick breakfast but if I get too hungry close to meal-times I go into melt-down and want to do a Harry Enfield – ‘It’s so unfair!’ and then do a child’s little stamp of the foot!
As we speak I am eating and the keyboard is getting sticky!
My Yum-mie Breakfast
Pancake with fresh fruit and chopped nuts.
- Pancake – brown rice flour, extra virgin olive oil, egg, evian water and salt
- Chopped banana, raspberries, lemon juice, chopped nuts and honey
Use whatever fruits are available, berries, apples, a squeeze of lemon juice – whatever.
For lunch I have used the pancake with prosciutto, tomatoes, lettuce etc. etc.
If you can believe the labelling then the following two meats are worth trying:
Tescos do a pre-packed meat called Aberdeen Angus with 3 or 4 slices to a packet but on offer 2 packets for £4. This beef is only beef and salt and is lovely.
The prosciutto is only ham and salt.
These are the only pre-packaged meats I can eat and being so ultra sensitive I have not noticed any adverse effects. But using your own cooked meat is the preferred option. And heed this warning, a ruling means that in the USA it is considered that gluten does not pose a health risk when added to food, gluten is used in vegetarian foods and in the UK and Europe only if gluten exceeds a certain percentage does it need to be included on the label. It is called the Codex Standard and for more information: Food Standards Agency
So there is life after allergies and I think that food is more delicious than for those who can eat bread and cheese, quite honestly.
I´ve had that pankcake! And it was delicious 😀 Especially with rasberries and blackberries added in the mix
Aw . . . thanks Marie, glad you enjoyed it! x x x