The Tone and Stretch KEEP FIT class continues at Blackborough Village Hall. Come and join us!
Tone and Stretch KEEP FIT Class
Why should we all be taking part in KEEP FIT classes?
Three reasons:
1. Stretching helps the immune system to work better aiding the body’s resistance to colds and virus’.
2. Using weights to induce resistance encourages the body to keep calcium in the bones to help avoid conditions such as osteoporosis.
3. Arthritis is also helped by Toning and Stretching and stretching has been an essential part of my getting well from CFS/ME an illness, which can be said to be on the arthritis spectrum.
Three good reasons to come to this class!
The class is gentle and easy to do and we have a laugh – always good medicine!
Come and meet us and come and KEEP FIT.
Classes will be held during term time Mondays and Fridays at 10:30 at Blackborough Village Hall.
Cost: £5 per class.
Email Marianne Gutierrez for more information